Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is that your bumper...or are you just happy to see me?

A big THANK YOU to the person who drew this 'not so impressive, but definitely recongnizable' phallus on the bumper of my car. Not only did I laugh my ass off when I saw it, but it made my damn day and I'm actually showing it off to people.

 I can only imagine myself as an actual man. I'd be flashing everyone! Although, technically I am.....(flashing everyone....not a man). Since this is on the rear of my poor Marley (yes, my car has a name) - everyone who drives behind me is flashed by this artistic dust-drawn rendering of a wiener. (Am I allowed to say wiener in my blog?) I'm all it wiener? weiner? or weener?

Whichever way it's spelled....thank you to the artist rock, and so do your bumper boners.

1 comment:

  1. Not impressive? Must be almost a foot long. Must be the question is, can you nail a nine inch stake through a board with it. I guess a girl has to have her standards.
