Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's only a pumpkin stem....

Okay, so it's only really been a day or so since I've no doubt depressed you all about how we're all "working for the man" and should have greater purposes and crap like that. Maybe it was the PMS talking.

I'm not sure what it is that makes one person see a day as a 'waste of time', a second see it as 'just another day', and a third see it as 'a gift'. Is it life experiences? The way we were raised? Something spiritual? Whatever the answer is, I'm determined to change my outlook. This is not my "lot in life". I'm not stuck anywhere....Life Is What You Make Of It. Dang Skippy!

Obviously this epiphany comes after some potentially event-changing news doesn't populate. But instead of dwelling on it, I've decided to move forward with gusto and kick ass at who I am and where I am in life.

I think it's extremely easy to get used to the way things are and take what you have for granted. Good thing that Thanksgiving is around the corner to put things back into perspective. I'm healthy (for the most part), have a job in the toughest of economies, have a new house with an amazing man who loves me (ring soon to follow)... life is damn good.


My boyfriend (forever to be known as "My Mr."), his two children (forever to be known as "Miss Magoo" and "Little Man Feffy"), and I went pumpkin picking last night for Halloween. There's nothing cuter than watching kids run through masses of pumpkins to find the perfect one to carve. That is, until they both pick pumpkins that weigh more than they each do, and can't carry them to the car. $30.00 and 3 pumpkins later (yes, I got myself a small one) we were set. Trust me, there's a point to this.

I picked my pumpkin as my Mom used to when I was a how cool the stem on top was. I mean, every pumpkin is going to eventually have a face, but the curly stem somehow tops it off just right. And that's exactly the pumpkin I picked last night. Until we got home....and all of the not so "cautious because we have pumpkins rolling around in my trunk" driving that the Mr. had done ripped off the amazing curly pumpkin stem!

I know for a fact that at some other point in my life, I would have thrown a hissy and been all pissed off about it. After all, that's the whole purpose for me having picked that one.....but now, it's only a pumpkin stem. I'm sure life will go on, and so will I. Who knows, maybe my pumpkin will be better without it.

And that's my the end of the's only a pumpkin stem.

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